Photo by Jacob Drabik

The Lens

The Lens is the FotoFocus editorial platform, highlighting our programming and featuring in-depth conversations on photography and the moving image drawn from perspectives and insights in our community, throughout our region, and around the globe.

Coming Soon: A Double Feature of Major FotoFocus Programming in 2022

Posted on December 16, 2021

All of the pandemic pivoting of the past two years means big things — like a FotoFocus Symposium and a FotoFocus Biennial — in the new year. Get the scoop here, and get excited for future you.

FotoFocus Symposium: Telephotography

Originally scheduled for October 2021, Delta had other plans for this Symposium. As the variant picked up pace, FotoFocus rescheduled Telephotography for April 9 & 10, 2022.

Continue reading Coming Soon: A Double Feature of Major FotoFocus Programming in 2022

2021, A Reluctantly Not-Miserable Retrospective

Posted on December 15, 2021

2021 was ... technically a year. Sure, it feels like January became October with a tiny blip of optimism for, like, two weeks in June. But as we look back, we see a whole lot of good stuff that took place throughout the amorphous stretch of time formerly known as a calendar year.

So, here we present: Five things we did that got us through 2021.

We heard from brilliant curators, artists,... Continue reading 2021, A Reluctantly Not-Miserable Retrospective

Dust to Dust

Posted on December 9, 2021

Tunnelitis, an exhibition of photographs by Raymond Thompson, Jr., at Studeō PAR- uncovers an obfuscated history.

"Overall, it’s kind of a quiet show, if that makes sense," says Jonathan Sears, executive director of PAR-Projects. "There’s a lot of dust in the air — from the pieces. It’s almost cloud-like."

The pieces he's referencing are the photographs by Raymond Thompson, Jr., that make up Studeō PAR-'s current exhibition, Tunnelitis, an examination of the... Continue reading Dust to Dust

Truth Be Told

Posted on December 1, 2021

Wright State University shows Truth and Ruin, a large-scale photography exhibition exposing the landscape of systemic racism alongside portraits representing and promoting Black joy and agency.

It was the summer of 2020 when Ben Montague, Wright State’s curator of The Robert and Elaine Stein Galleries, was seeking an artist to mount a photography exhibition. That June had seen many millions of protesters around the country demonstrating in response to the murder of George Floyd the month prior. Says Montague: “For our campus, I wanted to... Continue reading Truth Be Told

Through the Looking Glass

Posted on November 2, 2021

Self Love documents moments of recognition between artist and subject as photographer Bruce Bennett spent time in a third-grade public elementary classroom.

Our children are living in an unprecedented overlap of art and technology: They have nearly unlimited access to cameras — that is, they see parents and peers using smartphone cameras to document their everyday lives — but they likely have nearly zero access to film cameras, and no real awareness or understanding of that tradition of image making. Photography, as an art form,... Continue reading Through the Looking Glass