Photo by Jacob Drabik

The Lens

The Lens is the FotoFocus editorial platform, highlighting our programming and featuring in-depth conversations on photography and the moving image drawn from perspectives and insights in our community, throughout our region, and around the globe.

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Open Archive: The 2018 Biennial Theme Looks at the Archive in All Its Forms

Posted on October 2, 2018

Archives are both fixed and flexible. An archive is a record, but it can also be an account—a repository of objects that has the additional purpose of being a source of knowledge. And a photographic archive is still more elastic: It’s art, it’s history, it’s politics, it’s thought. Archives can be reorganized, appropriated, or entirely forgotten. They can be everything or nothing at all. This year’s FotoFocus Biennial theme is Open Archive—that is, the literal opening of archives, and also an open interpretation of what archives actually are and what they do. Unlike any other art form, an individual’s experience with photographic archiving is generational. From... Continue reading Open Archive: The 2018 Biennial Theme Looks at the Archive in All Its Forms

FotoFocus Super-Charges Final Friday

Posted on September 23, 2018

It's Final Friday—on steroids! Chances are you've been to the Over-the-Rhine art walk by now, held the last Friday of each month...hence the name. (And if not, keep reading, this is a great opportunity to start.)  Galleries and shops along and adjacent to Main Street throw open their doors to neighbors, newbies, and visitors who nosh, drink, conversate, and, of course, admire art. It’s a genuinely good time. But get ready, because Final Friday is super charged in September and October—boosted by the energy and presence of FotoFocus. And, really, the FotoFocus cup runneth over in Over-the-Rhine, providing opportunities well beyond Final Friday. For instance: all... Continue reading FotoFocus Super-Charges Final Friday

Far Out: The Unexpected Awaits at FotoFocus Northern Kentucky Venues

Posted on September 17, 2018

The Carnegie’s Exhibition Director Matt Distel sums up FotoFocus this year in Northern Kentucky like this: “Get over here for the weird stuff.” Not just weird—in some cases, downright out of this world. Where else could you meet two artists from another dimension and then turn around and see photographs taken by astronauts in space? FotoFocus’s Biennial theme Open Archive and the venues in the Commonwealth don’t disappoint with their varied and sometimes out there approaches to the subject. In this installment of The Lens, we explore what NKY will offer on October 20, a FotoFocus Neighborhood Spotlight Day, when you can see a lot of great... Continue reading Far Out: The Unexpected Awaits at FotoFocus Northern Kentucky Venues

Gillian Wearing World Premieres Four Works at Cincinnati Art Musuem for FotoFocus 2018

Posted on September 15, 2018

Nathaniel Stein has admired contemporary conceptual artist Gillian Wearing’s work since he first saw her poignant, genre-bending photographs in an Introduction to Art History class in the mid-1990s. He’s dreamed of working with her for as long as he’s been a museum curator. Now, after a year as Associate Curator of Photography for the Cincinnati Art Museum, he has his chance.

And we, those of us who’ll experience the 2018 FotoFocus Biennial, will have our chance to encounter the British artist’s internationally recognized and often jarring self-portraits and video installations in the first major exhibition of her work to be shown in the... Continue reading Gillian Wearing World Premieres Four Works at Cincinnati Art Musuem for FotoFocus 2018

At Brazee Street Gallery, High Schoolers Fuse Photography and Glass

Posted on September 12, 2018

Staying in step with the FotoFocus Biennial theme of Open Archive, Brazee Street Gallery and a group of high school art students at Cincinnati Country Day School teamed up to develop a photography/glass gallery exhibition. Led by CCD art teacher Carole Lichty-Smith, students used their own original photography to create the glass pieces on display at Brazee’s Gallery, as part of their 2018 FotoFocus exhibition. Working with budding student artists is nothing new for Brazee Street. And bringing glass into that work with students of all ages is an important part of their mission. Studio Director Leah Busch Rockel says, “Brazee strives to create the... Continue reading At Brazee Street Gallery, High Schoolers Fuse Photography and Glass