Cultural Exchange:: What Remains: A Contemporary Interpretation of Native American Earthworks in The Ohio Valley
In 2023, UNESCO designated World Heritage Site status to a group of four Hopewell sites in Ohio, adding them to the ranks of the Taj Mahal, Stonehenge, and Machu Picchu as places of “outstanding value to humanity.” This extraordinary group of Hopewell earthworks represents a tiny portion of the approximately 10,000 Adena, Hopewell, and Fort Ancient Earthworks that dotted the Ohio Valley at the end of the 18th century. Today, fewer than 1,000 earthworks remain. In the 250 years since European-American settlers made their unrelenting push into the Ohio Valley woodlands, many of the tall conical mounds, long ridges, and geometric hilltop enclosures that somehow escaped destruction have been appropriated and incorporated—at times inexplicably—into cemeteries, a country club, subdivisions, parks, farms, a strip mall, and even an amusement park.
Steve Plattner’s photographs and their corresponding backstories explore these marvels of Indigenous astronomy, science, and society constructed by skillful ‘mound builders’ across the Ohio Valley between 500 BCE and 1750 CE, as well as the cultural appropriation and ethnocide which led to their widespread destruction.
Related Events
Opening Reception for Cultural Exchange
October 3, 2024
5:00pm – 7:00pm
DAAP Galleries:: will host three exhibits in the Reed and Meyers Galleries collectively titled Cultural Exchange that examine the complexities which arise within a multicultural society.
Additional Information: This opening reception will take place in the Meyers Gallery.
What Remains: A Discussion
October 13, 2024
2:00pm – 3:30pm
Learn how hundreds of earthworks have been destroyed while others have escaped destruction, often inexplicably appropriated and incorporated into cemeteries, country clubs, subdivisions, farms, strip malls, and an amusement park.
Additional Information: This educational event will take place in the Meyers Gallery.
Steve Plattner, Grave Creek Mound, 2023. Inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist
Steve Plattner, Mound Hill Cemetery in Eaton, Ohio, 2023. Inkjet print. Courtesy of the artist

Venue Details
DAAP Galleries:: Meyers Gallery
Steger Student Life Center
RM 418, 500 UC Main St
Cincinnati, OH 45221
(513) 556-2839
Sun–Thur 10am–5pm
Free to the Public
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